
With the SalesXRtreme Application, salespeople
can give prospective clients an immersive and
detailed product experience using only a mobile device.

Needs & Challenges?

Product Specifications Vs Customer Expectations Vs Presentation Limitations
  • Sales process is a tug-of-war between customer expectations and the limitations of what the salesperson can explain.
  • Lack of prospect engagement
  • Cannot demonstrate full scope of the product.
  • Demonstrating its functionality in its “element”/final use/place is ideal.
  • Companies with huge array of products cannot carry them to demos.

Printed/Web catalog
  • Not engaging
  • Not interactive.
  • Browsing through the website is very tedious
  • Touch and feel of the product is missing
  • Companies with huge array of products cannot carry them to demos.
Sales force weakness
  • Dependency on few experienced sales men
  • Inconsistency of message across time and personnel
Feedback and Post Sales Customer Management
  • Inability to obtain feedback – captivating features, missing information, etc.
  • Difficulties in maintaining records
  • Difficulty in digitalization of paper records
  • Post sales customer relationship management is often overlooked.
  • Absence of a system for Upselling or cross selling.
  • During long sales cycles, assessment, objection handling and constant communication is essential.
  • If product’s USP is in details or packaged with options addons and needs configuration, its difficult to ensure that prospect understands and appreciates it.

Augmented Reality(AR) in Marketing and Sales

Augmented reality (AR) is a trend
  • AR allows brands and companies to give unique experiences
  • AR creates significant improvements in sales process.

A photo is worth a thousand words…

A video is worth a thousand photos…

A 4dio is worth a thousand videos…

4dio – A collection of interactive and immersive set of visualizations

Satori Features

“Satori” offers a set of 3D interactive tools to create
multiplatform applications that “augments” the
standard marketing process.

  • The app is loaded with sales-man stories that consist of 3D marketing experiences
  • Machines are visualized on the shop floor directly in its future working environment
  • Can be used in conjunction with traditional printed marketing assets
  • QR codes can be used to activate the 3D assets and experiences
  • It is possible to use image recognition to activate 3D experiences